Our Heritage

Welcome Friends

The waters & islands of the Whitsundays are the Ancient Home of the Ngaro.
Always Was – Always Will Be.
Welcome to Ngaro Sea Country

“We were never lost, we did not need discovering" - This has always been their home!


Portland Roads – Sailing the Whitsundays has a genuine and passionate interest in Aboriginal Affairs and we support initiatives that bring better understanding between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and the wider community.
We hold a particular interest and understanding towards our local tribes of the Ngaro, Yuwibara, Koinmerburra, Barada Barna, Wiri, Gia and Juru.
Portland Roads – Sailing the Whitsundays respects and acknowledges the unique culture, societies, history and traditional lands of Aboriginal Australians in Queensland, Australia and the World over. Portland Roads – Sailing the Whitsundays wish to lead by our actions, our words and our association with local elders; (local youngsters), And local indigenous community groups.


With local Ngaro blessing, you are welcome to sail with us in these ancient aboriginal waters. Ancient waters and Country that fed our First Nation Peoples without waste, without pollution and with a real connection to land and sea. A connection that has long been lost!

It is our mission to have them tell THEIR STORY; and where they can’t, for us to share their stories with immersive experiences and consistent facts. In doing so we are working towards returning the land and sea to a self sustaining state. A state where the ecosystem can once again grow wings and wrap itself in life. It is incumbent on us to do so



Have you ever imagined the Whitsundays and our Great Barrier Reef beyond the tourist brochures?

Here are some facts to look further into her soul.

  • The Whitsundays are the ancient home to 7 indigenous tribes – “Australia’s First People”
  • Elders, and descendants of all 7 tribes still reside locally and we acknowledge this as their traditional home
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the ancient home of up to 70 Traditional Owner Groups
  • The Great Barrier Reef is one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World
  • The Marine Park was not protected as a Marine Park until 1981
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park covers a staggering 348,000 Square Kilometres
  • The Marine Park is UNESCO World Heritage Listed – (United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation)
  • The Marine Park contains the World’s Largest Coral Reef Eco System
  • It includes some 3000 Coral Reefs, some 600 Continental Islands, (of which 74 islands are right at our back door), some 300 Coral Cays and about 150 Inshore Mangrove Islands.
  • The reef makes up 10% of the World’s Reef Systems
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority tell us that she is also home to the following staggering numbers – Some 600 types of Soft and Hard Corals, more than 100 Species of Jellyfish, 3000 varieties of Molluscs, 500 Species of Worms, 1625 types of Fish, 133 Varieties of Sharks and Rays, and more than 30 Species of Whales and Dolphins.
  • From the North to the South, she is 2,300 Kilometres long
  • The team at Portland Roads – Sailing the Whitsundays have always lead the industry in areas of indigenous involvement and sustainability. It is our aim to make friends, not money; and in doing so – give back to our beautiful backyard.
  • In 2019 we achieved official certification with Ecotourism Australia’s ROH – Respecting Our Culture certification.
  • Yesterday, today and tomorrow – We will continue to make a difference and continue to tell the whole story. With the ongoing support of our team, local Elders, loads of Youngsters, and our Great Barrier Reef Master Reef Guides’, we will lead the way for an industry otherwise lost at sea.
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